Dear Parents,

Heartily welcome to the academic session 2022-23 after a dire phase of pandemic. As one amongst you, I understand and appreciate the most difficult and challenging task ahead of us.
Apart from our motto of imparting “A Quality Education" which is our top priority our school emphasize on over-all development of the student. We guide them in acquisitions of necessary skills and academic proficiency which will enable them to cope up with the challenges of globalization and technological revolution in the fast-changing world scenario.
The environment, provided to all learning is conducive and productive with the help of audio-visual aids, computers and other academic based devices. Teaching is much more than a career or a profession. It (teaching) is the most onerous responsibility of moulding and shaping a child into a responsible citizen. Upgrading of teaching skills in the terms of matter as well as manner is done at regular intervals.
The school aims at the integral and total formation of the young. It is our commitment to make the children the real and authentic values of society which come by hard work and perseverance. Special efforts are made to help the students to become mature and spiritually oriented men of character with the values of the need of an hour. Students are continuously being encouraged to strive for excellence in every field, to be clear and firm on principles and courageous in action to be unselfish in the service of the society and to become the agents of social change in the country. I am certain my students will become productive, Intelligent and honest citizen of society.
School assures you that no stone will remain unturned. So, the active participation and co-operation of parents would be extremely essential to achieve the desired results.
We believe in the true development of the children and in my view, it is possible with your co-operation & support.
Let us take the pledge of fulfilling the commitment of providing education to all with the sole aim of building a strong, cultured and developed India.
Jai Hind
(S.K. Pandey)